NCM Bash
National Corvette Museum
Bowling Green KY
April 25-27, 2013
For 13 years, the Bash has been one of our best fundraising events, as well as a lot of fun!
This year's installment certainly maintained that tradition.
The all new 2014 Corvette C7 was on display, both coupe and convertible styles.
As always, the Museum allowed us to do a 50/50 raffle to benefit the American Cancer Society, with the winning ticket drawn at the closing banquet. With Shari O'Brien and Peggy & Wade Mertz helping sell tickets, sales resulted in a pot of $2100, 50% to the winner and 50% to ACS. The ticket was drawn, the # read out. No immediate response. I called it out again, then there was some activity in the back of the room, and I saw a friend's familiar face making her way to the front. I thought Harriette Majoros was going to have a heart attack, huffing and puffing as she stared at that ticket. She made it OK, and tearfully said that she was giving her share back because she had lost her sister to cancer a couple months ago.
Thanks to Harriette, the whole pot of $2100 went to the American Cancer Society's Bowling Green office.
THANK YOU Harriette and National Corvette Museum for making this possible!
Thursday, April 25
Leaving home, Decatur AL

Our setup on Corvette Blvd

Two 2014 Corvette C7s were on display in the Conference Center

Friday, April 26
Much busier on Corvette Blvd today!
That's Peggy & Wade Mertz facing the camera at left.

Saturday, April 27
Sorry, evidently I was too busy to take any pictures. If anybody got any I could post here, please send them.
Sunday, April 28
On the way out of town, look what I found across the street at the Corvette Assembly Plant: 5 C7s, 5 different colors!

Back in Sweet Home Alabama - still lovin' the fact that the Corvette Museum
is now a tank of gas, round trip, not 2 days on the road, each way!