Wednesday, Aug. 20
Leaving Maine for a night with my parents in Philadelphia.

Thursday, Aug 21
This was the story of what should have been a 90 min. hop from Philly to Carlisle.
4 separate clogs (20 miles in first gear!) managed to stretch that to 3 hours.
Only this one had ANY evidence of a reason!

Carlisle at last!

Friday, Aug. 22
Fully set up in what is my favorite spot yet, Gary minds the table
so I could take part in the special event below.

This was fun! An American flag, a mosaic of 117 red, white & blue Corvettes! Under construction in the first 3 photos. We were invited to be next to the podium for the ceremony. See top of this page for the official helicopter photo.

Afterward, Tom Wallace, Corvette VLE, animates his discussion with Lance Miller and his mom, Judy.

Back at our booth, I couldn't help noticing the gorgeous, supercharged, '63 across from us! 'That's it!' I thought, 'My Celebrity Pick has found me! I don't have to traipse all over the 81 acres and 10,000 Vettes to find it!'

Saturday evening: the C5/C6 Registry dinner
Paul Graham, Corvette Plant Manager, was the main speaker.
Retired Plant Manager Wil Cooksey was also right there in front.

Gary & I did our usual 50/50. The winners, Jeff & Linda Mayhew, gave back their half, so the entire $1500 went to the American Cancer Society.
Thank you Jeff & Linda!!!

Saturday, Aug. 23
Back at work.

The ZR1 wheel mockup. Back in March, designer Kirk Bennion held a presentation of the ZR1 in MA. Among the pieces he brought for auction was this hand made mockup of the new 20" wheel that was actually used on the clay model! A friend, Randy Flock, bought it then. At our Fundraiser in August, he gave it to me to use for a fundraiser. I am collecting autographs on it for eventual auction, possibly at the C5/C6 Bash at the National Corvette Museum in April.
Here is the mockup next to the production wheel. You can see subtle differences.

Former Corvette Chief Engineer Dave McLellan, father of the 2nd generation ZR-1, and his wife Glenda stopped by for a visit. Naturally I had to get his autograph on the mockup as well as on a Z06 wheel slice.

Sunday, Aug. 24
A relatively quiet day.

Once again, right across from us another Vette caught my eye. Also supercharged. I had seen this one last year. Beautifully done mods and maintenance... and 213,587 miles! This is the only C5 I have actually seen that has more miles on it than I put on ours (201370).

Copilot & bodyguard Gary checks the laptop and heads for MA on FAA business.
Thanks for the help and the company, Big Guy!

Trying to add a hint of mint to the honey?

Monday Aug. 25
After an uneventful trip with an overnight stop at the Microtel in Bethel CT,
it's back home... and back to the day job.

Between the $1500 50/50 and $238 in donations at our booth, we were able to send the American Cancer Society in Harrisburg PA a total of $1728.00.
Thank you Lance Miller and Corvettes @ Carlisle!