Ben's 2017 Route 66 Adventure
Day 11
Friday, May 12
Tucumcari NM
Since my room at the Blue Swallow wouldn't be available until Saturday, I decided to stay a second night at the Historic Route 66 Motel and take a day trip to Roswell NM to see the UFO Museum and Research Center.
First Stop: Tee Pee Curios

The Blue Swallow is circled, down in the next block.

Spectacular mural on the Lowes Supermarket building!

Santa Rosa NM
The Route 66 Auto Museum
Museum #8 for my trip

Click photo below to tour the museum with me
South out of Santa Rosa on US 54, heading for Roswell NM.

90 minutes later, now on US 285. Still an hour to go. And it all looked just like this!

Roswell NM
Arrival at the UFO Museum
Museum #9 for my trip
Click photo below to follow me through
Some kind of dispute across US 285 on the way back to Tucumcari...

Back at the Lizard Lounge for dinner

More nice murals on the way back to the motel

The only time on the trip that I spent 2 consecutive nights in the same motel.

End of Day 11
401 miles for the day

That's actually 2080.8 miles from Chicago start.
Annoyingly, it resets every 2000 miles!
Nice sunset out of my window!

My Museum pass, still on my t-shirt. It now resides on the keyboard of my laptop.