Ben's 2017 Route 66 Adventure
Day 14
Monday, May 15
La Vegas NM
The road to Santa Fe

Pecos NM
Pecos National Historical Park
The 3rd National Historic Park or Monument of my trip
Click photo below for the walk-through
Santa Fe NM

Second Street Brewery at Second Street

This guy is the owner, Mark Waugh, holding my Rocket Republic sign.

We immediately hit it off. After learning about Corvettes Conquer Cancer, he gave me a donation for the American Cancer Society and signed the hood! He had recently lost his mother to cancer.

Mark insisted that I meet him at Santa Fe Brewing (owned by a friend) on the south side of town for a couple of brews.

The taproom

A local character

The manager took us on a tour of the brewery

Mark's friend, the owner, finally arrived. They obviously have fun!

Madrid NM
(pronounced MAD-rid)
At Mark's suggestion, on the way to Albuquerque, I took the back country route
through Madrid, where the main part of the movie "Wild Hogs" was filmed.

This is Maggie's Diner, where most of the action between the bikers took place.

This was the hangout for the cast & crew during filming

The road toward Albuquerque

The legendary Musical Highway required a little redirection,
as it is only "playable" on the Eastbound side of Historic Route 66.
Tijeras NM
The Musical Highway

Look who is the "Litter Control" sponsor of this stretch!

Click link below to see and hear the Musical Highway YouTube video link.
Sorry I didn't do a better job of staying on the line.
Make sure the sound is turned up
End of Day 14
172 miles for the day

That's 2444.6 from Chicago start