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Spontaneous Joyride to Ft. Kent, Maine
Sunday, October 27, 2002
No reason, but it was a beautiful day (at least it was at home),
and there won't be many decent Corvette days left this year.
And, I could see the Northern end of US Route 1!
(I had been to the Southern end, in Key West, in January)

Still some decent color.

Route 11 north from I-95 doesn't look like much,
but I actually was making better time than on the interstate!

Uh, guess it must have snowed here last night!

Fort Kent, ME

Border crossing to Canada.

End of Route 1 in Maine. It just stops.

End of Route 1 in Key West.

Starting back.

Yeah, it's snowing!

Final stats

Well, it was clean when I left home this morning... But that was 589 miles ago!

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