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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Bedford, NH

10 members of Gate City Corvette Club met with Holly Crandall at the American Cancer Society's office in Bedford. We presented ACS with a check for $8000 from the August Fundraiser and the sale of The Fender. Added to the $1000 in checks made out directly to ACS brought the total from the Fundraiser to $9000! They also donated $2000 from that event to Corvettes Conquer Cancer to help us continue Sandy's Mission!

Thank You Gate City!

Departing Maine... once again in a driving rain!

Check presentation by GCCC President, Dan Feidler.

With the exception of our Vette, all the Gate City cars were the color of the day!

Dan & Claudia Feidler and Lynn & Ray Nault stuck around to feed me lunch. Lynn is the incoming Gate City President.

Back home again. These long drives in the blinding rain are really getting old...

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