Harvest of Vettes
Spindle City Corvettes
Chelmsford, MA Elks Club
Sept. 14, 2003
Leaving home Saturday afternoon, to spend the night with my daughter
& her husband in Bedford, MA, about 15 minutes from the show site.

Although it turned out to be a nice day overall, it started out quite threatening,
which kept the attendance down. Many attendees started out or came
through rain to get there.

Bill Balcom's Viper Red (yes, Viper!) was my pick for the
"Sandy Labaree Heartbeat of America award".

After the show, we convoyed to Joe & Carol Michalik's house
for a classic Gate City Corvette Club cookout.

Looking at this scene, and this whole page for that matter,
it would appear true that "All Corvettes Are Red"!

Back home again; final stats.

Thanks to the Spindle City club who presented me with a nice
check for $100 to the American Cancer Society. This, plus the
$124 that I collected at my table, brought the total for the
American Cancer Society to $224.00
for this event, which I sent to the ACS office in Byfield, MA.