27th Annual Show-N-Shine
Corvettes United of Central Mass.
Hebert's Candy Mansion; Shrewsbury, MA
Sunday, June 10, 2001 (Rain date from June 3)
After a rainout the previous week, Corvettes United had a spectacular day for their rain date at Hebert's Candy Mansion on Route 20 in Shrewsbury, MA. There were more than a few red faces from the strong, hot sun that blessed us all day. Over 140 cars were showing, and CU did a terrific job of making everything run smoothly.
I left for the show Saturday afternoon in order to spent the night with my daughter Christy and her husband Nils in Bedford, MA. That made for a pleasant evening, and a short 45 minute drive to the show site Sunday morning.
Leaving home.

Yes, the table, 4 chairs and all the display stuff all came out of the Vette!

We were set up right in the middle...

We were set up right in the middle...

right in front of the Chinese Auction.

The great DJ was even supplemented by a real, live country singer.

Corvettes United President Ron Hebert presents me with a BIG CHECK for
$750.00 to the American Cancer Society
from the raffle of a week in Cancun donated by a local travel agency. WOW!

Trophy time!

After a good dinner @ Chilli's in Chelmsford with Ann & Peter Goulas and
Charlene & Tom Delisle, it was back home again. Nice as it was at the show,
it was raining most of the way home through Maine.