Corvettes United 29th Show N' Shine
Hebert's Candy Mansion
Shrewsbury, MA
June 2, 2002
I actually started out on Saturday, 6/1, and went back to Springfield, VT and the Precision Valley Corvette Museum. The purpose was to install the new permanent decal on the hood. This time it didn't snow on the way over like it did 2 weeks ago! After the successful removal of the temporary decal and install of the new, it was back to Bedford, MA and my daughter Christy's house for the night.
June 2, 2002
The setup at Hebert's Candy Mansion. It was a beautiful day, after overnight rain that didn't end until well after sunrise. The wind, however, made a real challenge to keep all the paper nailed down.
A short sprinkle required a hasty but brief cover-up.
This was the panorama of this great show from my table.
The crowd gathered around for the trophies.
Corvettes United presented us with a BIG CHECK to help in the fight against cancer!
After a pizza party with the Corvettes United crowd, it was home again.
$300.00 for the American Cancer Society!
Thank you Corvettes United!