Maine 2001
Official C5 Registry
Regional Get-Together
June 15-17, 2001
Day 1
Friday, June 15, 2001
Dinner @ Cook's Lobster House
Bailey Island, Maine
Waiting to fall into line..

Crossing the world's only Cribstone Bridge.
That's Cook's in the haze on the right.

The Cribstone Bridge from Cook's.

Maine 2001's host, Russ Caron

End of Day 1.

Day 2
Saturday, June 16, 2001
First stop: Sherman Lake.
37 C5's can fill a parking lot!

Next stop: lunch @ The Landing in Rockland.

That's a "lot" of plastic! (sorry!)

Cruisin' US Route 1.

Arrival @ Kimball Terrace Inn, Northeast Harbor.
Yes, somebody is already washing the Vette!

Bar Harbor as (barely) seen from the top of Cadillac Mtn.

Day 3
Sunday, June 17, 2001
The show.

The show on the circle in front of Kimball Terrace.
There really is a harbor in the background through the fog!

Corvettes Conquer Cancer display.
The show used coin canister balloting: the C5 that collected the most money won.
This generated $1000.00 for the American Cancer Society!

Workin' hard...

Spectators came in all forms!

The Boat Ride on the Sea Princess
In spite of the fog, the boat ride came off as scheduled!

Two views of a giant, 50 year old Osprey nest.

We got within 10 feet of the cliff in Somes Sound, the only fjord in North America.
The water was still 50 feet deep!

A "cottage" along the coast...

Sunday Night Banquet at Kimball Terrace

Russ made announcements, gave out awards, and auctioned a plaque (by Ed Duprey of Great Lakes
Trophy & Engraving) commemorating the event. This raised another $200 for the American Cancer Society,
boosting the total contribution to $1200.00!

Chris Bartlett took First Place in the Show with $127.00 in his canister!

Shirley grabbed the mic for a stirring rendition of "Crazy".
You would have sworn Patsy was with us!

The party begins to wind down.

Day 4
Monday, June 18, 2001
5:32 am. Karl is wiping down the car from the overnight rain.

This is Somes Sound from the road on my way to work in Augusta.
(I got a head start on "Drive Your Corvette To Work Day", scheduled for June 29)

What a great weekend! Thanks, Russ!