2002 Monterey Trip Itinerary:
Monday, 8/5 - Nashville to Longview, TX, via AL, MS & LA (3 new states for our Tour since 1998).

Firestone installed the new tires as scheduled. The old ones showed only minimal wear @ 26 k miles, but Firestone wanted to check them out. My rep, Dave Gardner (above), their Product Marketing Manager, also gave me a check to Corvettes Conquer Cancer for $1000!!! We had a really good time talking while the work was being done.

Back on the road again by 11:00 CDT, I took the Natchez Trace Parkway south from Nashville. What a great change of pace: this is a 2 lane, limited access scenic route that really winds through the hills, woods & fields of TN, AL & MS. The speed limit is only 50, but the road surface is smoother than the interstates, so I was cautiously cruising 60-70 most of the time. The best part: in 238 miles I overtook & passed 5, yes five, cars and this motorcycle, who pulled off! Only saw 1 cop, a local in Tupelo. Lots of deer & turkeys.
Back on the Interstates, I hit some powerwash cloudbursts around Jackson, MS. Stopped for gas @ some REALLY good Cajun shrimp in Vicksburg before crossing the Mississippi into LA. Got to the Longview, TX Microtel about 10 CDT.