30th Annual Mt. Melee
Seacoast Vettes
Lincoln, NH
Sept. 4-7, 2003
Saturday, 9/6
Although Del Liberty invited me to Mt. Melee for the whole weekend of activities which began Thursday night, I felt obligated to stay near home for the American Cancer Society Corvette Raffle drawing. This was held at Strong Chevrolet in Damariscotta, ME at 1:00 on Saturday. Sandy started this major fundraiser for ACS in 1989, and it has generated well over $1,000,000 for them since then.
The raffle did very well this year, selling 1508 of a possible 1550 tickets at $100. The Corvette was a fully loaded 50th Anniversary Coupe, thanks to help with the upgrade from the base model courtesy of Chevrolet's New England office. See the newspaper article below for further information about the raffle and the winner.

On the road to Lincoln, NH.

Arrival at the Beacon Motel after a spectacular drive through the NH mountains.

At the banquet:

2 costumes, same guy:
Perpetual over-the-top costume king, Randy Flock

Del honors 3 couples who had attended Mt. Melee ALL 30 years!

Sunday, 9/7
Kankamagus Highway back from Lincoln to Conway, NH.

In Conway, I decided that the weather was just too perfect to go directly home. Instead, I turned left on Rt. 16 toward Mt. Washington. The last time I had driven up to the top of Mt. Washington was in October of 1978, with Sandy and our (then) 8 year old daughter in our beloved '63 Convertible.

The Mt. Washington Auto Road.

Getting up into that cloud on the summit.

At the top. GPS shows Elevation 6221 ft in the parking lot.
The cloud at the summit was so thick it was very disorienting.

Climbers around the sign marking the Summit.

Looking down at the Vette from the top of the stairs.
As you can tell, you had to look closely to see it!

Believe it or not, on a rare really clear day, you can see Maine's Cadillac Mountain,
the Atlantic Ocean and Cape Cod from here!
The return down from the cloud.

And here's my certificate!

Back home again.