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For Corvettes Only and Corvette Club of RI
Benefit for the National Corvette Museum and local charities
Olde Mistick Village; Mystic, CT
October 12, 2008 (Rain date from Oct. 5)
6:38am departure

The rising sun revealed the mist rising off the rivers and the spectacular Fall colors.

Arriving in Mystic at 10:09 to be greeted by Randy Flock.

Set up & ready for business.

Panorama view of the huge gathering on a beautiful day.

This was my "celebrity pick" - Joe Tursi's '99. I picked it for what is one of my all-time
favorite vanity plates. That's Joe behind the new Red Z06 that he and Sally just bought.

3:06 - Repacked and ready for the road North.

7:04 - Final stats back home in Maine.

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