NCRS-FL Winter Regional Meet
Old Town
Kissimmee, FL
January 25-28, 2012
Thanks again to Ed Augustine and the NCRS Florida Chapter for their hospitality at this great event! For 13 years they have hosted Corvettes Conquer Cancer at this great meet. This year we were able to generate $2030.00 for the American Cancer Society!
Wednesday January 25
Departing Decatur AL 7:55am CST
Arrival Kissimmee FL 6:35pm EST, in time for Happy Hour at Barracuda Bart's!
Thursday January 26
Yes, it was a challenge to set up in that strong breeze!
Secured for the night.
Friday January 27
Back open for business.
Today, the strong breeze included a light mist. Made all that time I spent laminating worth while!
The amazing portable gas station display for Glassworks' Hardtop Shop!
Working alone I had little opportunity to see the rest of the show.
However, the cruise night there at Old Town was a great show!
This was my favorite; spectacular bodywork & paint!
And some of the rest...
And finally, in the Whatinhelizit section... a Toyota?!?!?
Saturday January 28
The sun is back, and the wind finally gone.
Another street rod with spectacular bodywork & paint was right next door in the Sale corral.
This wrapped up the show for this year. The awards banquet took place at the Holiday Inn across the street. As often happens, I didn't get any pics because I was tied up selling 50/50 tickets, once again with the tremendous help of Ruth P. The winning ticket for 1/2 the $1030 pot belonged to cancer survivor John Ballard, who gave it back! With the match by NCRS of up to $1000, the total for the American Cancer Society bumped to $2030.00!
Thank You John!
Thank You Ruth!
Thank You Ed!
Thank You NCRS, both National and Florida Chapter!
Sunday January 29
I briefly strolled around the Classic Corvettes of Orlando show.
Pennant Blue '54s always catch my eye: The first Corvette I ever saw in person was a Pennant Blue '54 just like this beautiful example.
That was in 1954; I was 12; I got a ride in it! Unforgettable!!
This guy has a problem... check left front.
Having seen enough, I headed South to Ft. Myers for a quick visit with Sandy's sister and her husband It had been 2 years since I last was able to visit.
Monday January 30
Thanks Peg & Bill for a great visit; it's been too long!
Back home in Decatur, 7:53pm