NCRS Winter Meet
January 21-24, 2016
at Sun 'n Fun; Lakeland Linder Airport
Lakeland FL
This was Corvettes Conquer Cancer's 17th year at this great event, but unfortunately this time I was unable to stay.
After having my cancerous prostate removed last August I had been doing quite well, but by November my general condition was on the decline. I was getting weaker with a lot of pain in joints, especially my knees. My doctor had quit the business because of Obamacare, and it took a couple of months to find a new one who would accept Medicare. With no results yet from testing, I found myself so weak, tired and uncomfortable when I arrived at Lakeland that I quickly realized that I just couldn't face the 3 days set up outdoors, especially with the forecast for strong winds and thunderstorms for Friday and Saturday. I spent the night, then went back out to the show site to pay my respects to Ed Augustine and Tyler Townsley for their hospitality, and visited with some of the vendors before hitting the road.
Wednesday, January 20
5:04 am - Departure from Decatur AL

On the ramp from I-75 to I-4

On site at SUN 'n Fun, I was assigned the same great space as last year.

Thursday, January 21
As explained above, after checking in with those in charge and visiting some of the vendors, it was regrettably time to head home.
The view from the car at departure from my spot.

It rained for almost the entire trip!
Final stats back at home.