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Saturday, Sept. 20, 2008

Start of a short trip, about 38 miles to Owls Head.

Followed this Porsche 928 most of the way.

After gathering at the museum, Barry & Debbie Shepard led us on a great
scenic drive along the coast. Guess who showed up in my mirror,
and followed us to a photo stop? Yep, the 928.

Destination: Marshall Point Light.
This was Forrest Gump's eastern-most point in his cross-country run (5th photo is from the movie).

Maybe all Corvettes really are red...

Great lobster (or steak) dinner in the museum. The steak was REALLY good!
(Yeah, I'm from Maine - I don't feel the need for lobstah.  Too much work!)

Sunday, Sept. 21

2 events in a row in a hangar; 3 out of the last 6!

John Payson's Mercedes 6.3 AMG, with mods by Renntech. A screamer!
The engine is signed by the builder, like the Z06 and ZR1 Corvettes.

Some of my neighbors in the hangar...

Back home after a relaxing weekend.

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