Friday Aug. 29
Departing Maine 5:10am

Lime Rock Park provided a 20x20 tent for us in the
Vendor Midway, the same great spot we had last year.

Once I got unpacked & set up, I checked out the nearby Rolex "Moments in Time" display of historic race cars.

Right next to us was this mfgr of repro Cobras and Ford GT40s.

An unusual visitor on the dash! He allowed me to move him and the card he was perched on to the roof, and about 5 minutes later he flew off in search of... whatever.

Saturday, August 30
Hearing the bellow of big V8s, I checked the practice action. Number 3 here is one
of only 5 lightweight Corvette Grand Sports ever built. All 5 still exist,
and it is so cool to see one actually racing! More pics later.

The first 50 Corvette Corral participants to sign up got a couple laps of the track.

At lunch in the Hospitality Tent, Sam Posey was the guest speaker. He was the first person to lap Lime Rock in under 1 minute. Very interesting talk. He stopped by my booth on Monday and we talked for about 15 minutes. Although somewhat disabled by Parkinson's, he is still very active. A couple weeks later, I received a very generous contribution to Corvettes Conquer Cancer from him and his wife!

Classy Aston Martin Vantage!

Seen during the guided paddock tour:
That's the tail of John Fitch's Phoenix as he arrived.

The Bu-Merc: Built in 1939, it's a Mercedes SSK body on a
1939 Buick Century chassis. It was quite competitive in early sports car racing.

Beautiful XK120 Jaguar is owned & raced by Stu Forer, an old high school buddy.

Another John Fitch creation, on an early XK120 chassis.

The one and only Vic Edelbrock, still racing in his '63.

And here's the Grand Sport...

Back on the hill, Fitch's car led me to where he was signing books.
I got him to autograph the ZR1 wheel mockup.

Closed for the evening.

Sunday, Aug. 31
Back open for business...

There is NO RACING at Lime Rock on Sundays. Today is the Concours show.
So you thought gas was expensive in your neighborhood...

Stu & his Jag.

When he spins the wheels, he gets sparks, not smoke...

Matthew & Dad came back to check his signature on the hood from last year.
That was in honor of his grandfather who had just died of cancer.

Monday Sept. 1
Another beautiful day as the mist rises.

2:15, packed and ready to brave the Labor Day traffic home.

Final stats: traffic wasn't bad heading north, 5:12 was the travel time. Southbound traffic out of Maine was another story! A benefit of living in Vacationland - I'm usually going the opposite direction on these holidays!