2002 Monterey Trip Itinerary:
Saturday, 8/10
Monterey Del Oro Show at Pacific Grove HS.
C5 Registry dinner at the Hilton.
Show at Pacific Grove H.S.
The road out to the very tip of the Monterey Peninsula.

Our spot at the show.

The yellow convertible above is the C5Creations display.
It was here that I met owner Harold Holeman, from Newark DE

The Advanced Automotive Technologies 1953-C5 made an appearance.

I also finally got to meet Perry Bird, a C5 Corvette guy from England.
We had talked quite a bit via e-mail, but never actually met until today!

Going back to the DoubleTree, Birdzilla struck! I was turning the corner off Cannery Row when I heard it hit. Ya gotta respect a bird that, with a single blast, could cover every panel of a Vette with one shot. It must have used the tree branches as a scattering utility. It even got the passenger door panel & seat.

C5 Registry Dinner at the Hilton
I had a minimal display for happy hour.

Dan & Jake give out tons of door prizes.

After the dinner, John autographed the (dirty) underside
of the hood of our Corvettes Conquer Cancer C5.

C5 Designer John Cafaro was, as always, a very entertaining speaker.

Interesting symbol on this CA plate!