Kimball Farm; Westford, MA
Leaving the NCRS New England Regional Meet in Marlborough, MA.

An absolutely beautiful day, and a huge turnout!

It was great to see Pete & Jan Cronstrom again; brought back fond memories!
(more on them later)

I'll bet this Gate City conference has solved most of the world's problems!

My daughter Christy stopped while out cruising with husband Nils to show off her new Suzuki Boulevard S50. 500ci, liquid cooled, shaft drive, retro styling - Really COOL!

Back to the Cronstroms' 67, my choice for the Sandy Labaree Spirit Award.
For MANY years, Pete and Jan's 67 was our chief competition in the Personalized Stock class when Sandy and I were showing our '63. Sometimes there were others in the class, but frequently it was just the 2 of us. Sometimes they won, sometimes we won, but neither of us really cared - we always had a fun time with them. It was great to see them again after a few years off. Their car looks as great as ever, and so do they!

Here's the only shot of our 2 Mid-Years that I could find.
Can't tell what the year was.

Back home again after the traditional Gate City Corvette Club
pig-out at Joe & Carol Michalik's nearby home.