National Corvette Museum
Bowling Green, KY
April 18-21, 2002
Once again the C5 Birthday Bash was a very successful fundraiser by Corvettes Conquer Cancer for the American Cancer Society.
The 50/50 drawing at Saturday's banquet produced a cash pot of $3236, so the lucky winner split that with the American Cancer Society, each getting $1618! Added to that were donations by cash and check at our display in the lobby.
We have send the American Cancer Society's Bowling Green office checks totaling $2240.00!
This included a VERY generous check from Billy and Reva Phelps of Bowling Green. You may remember Billy as the Corvette Plant electrician who won the one and only "Platinum Power" purple C5 in an incentive drawing held last year for plant employees. He had promised me that he would remember Corvettes Conquer Cancer when he sold the car. He certainly did. Thank you Billy and Reva!
Thank You to everybody who helped so generously in our effort at the Birthday Bash: Special appreciation to Dan & Jake from the C5 Registry and to the wonderful staff of the National Corvette Museum who made space for me to do this. Thanks to the wonderful folks who helped me at my table and who came forward to help sell the 50/50 tickets at the Banquet.
Wednesday, April 17
Leaving Maine for overnight with parents in Philadelphia
Record heat: 91 in Boston, 96 in Central Park!
Thursday, April 18
From Philadelphia, where I had spent the night with my folks.
Lexington, KY
Bugs... I didn't dare turn on the wipers!
Arrival at the NCM. I made exactly 1 stop from Philadelphia.
787.6 miles, 11:22 = 69.27mph! Are C5s great or what!
Some shots from dinner at the Montana with the IC5CU gang.
That's the "Interstate C5 Cruisers Unlimited".
And the Parking Lot Party at the Country Hearth afterward...
Friday, April 19
To work: our display right inside the front door of the Museum.
We were distributing cancer information from the American Cancer Society,
selling 50/50 chances and taking donations.
Right across from us on the turntable was the
oldest existing production Corvette: 1953 #003.
Impromptu dinner at Cumberland Café.
Saturday, April 20
A mob awaits the official unveiling of the 50th Anniversary Corvette!
This was my view from my table in the lobby.
At last, an hour & a half later, I could see the cars, but still from inside the lobby.
I never did get to see them up close.
Thanks to Hank Vezina (L) and Tony "Zippy" Vernogis (R),
I got an occasional break from the table.
OK, OK, the shot of Tony is from Labor Day last year!
Don Theune model of the Tour C5, on display inside the Spire.
At least I could see my car from my table inside!
Sorry, no pics from the banquet - we were too busy selling 50/50 tickets.
The final pot was $3236, with the winner and the American Cancer Society
each getting $1618!
Sunday, April 21
Ready to leave Country Hearth with IC5CU group.
On the road...
Monday, April 22
On the road home, alone again.
This was typical - could have been anywhere on the ride home...
...until I got back into Maine: yes, that's snow - welcome home!
Kind of a shock, since the temps had been near 90 from the time
I left home on the 17th.
Final stats:
Once again the C5 Birthday Bash was a very satisfying trip. A lot of wonderful people
made it so, and made it possible for me to continue this mission through their generosity.
$2240.00 for the American Cancer Society!