The trip home from Highway Earth in Beverly Hills
June 29, 2014
OK, the fun is winding down. Time to head back East...
Departure time - 1:33 pm. "Arrival" on Garmin is ETA in Flagstaff AZ.
Lots of lava, Mojave Desert, a little East of Barstow CA!
Welcome back to Needles, CA. It was only 106 here on the way West yesterday!
I can see Arizona!
Thank you Arizona: back to 75 mph limit!
Monday, June 30
I spent the night at the Super 8 in Shawnee OK, about 25 mi. East of OKC.
Tuesday, July 1
Another milestone, in Eastern Arkansas.
About 1/2 hour later:
I know I'm back in Alabama now!
(Note: actual trip mileage is 4200.1 miles. The trip OD annoyingly resets at 2000 miles!)
Check the dust (and a few bugs) screened by the stretch bra!
And quite a few pine needles, from the Franklin Canyon parking space, still stuck to the paint.
(Obviously no rain on the way home.)